Otsuchi Festival
- 2021
- Appreciation
Mid-September 2021 *This year’s event has been cancelled.
– Summary –
The Otsuchi Festival is a joint celebration of the annual festivals of the Otsuchi Inari Shrine and the Kozuchi Shrine.
The festival features local folk performing arts such as Kagura, Dai-Kagura, Shishi-Odori (Lion Dance), Tora-Mai (Tiger Dance), and Shichi-Fukujin (Seven Gods of Good Fortune), as well as a procession of people carrying the Mikoshi (portable Shinto shrines) accompanied by hand dancers from each district. As the highlight, the portable shrines of the Otsuchi Inari Shrine cross the Otsuchi River and the portable shrines of the Kozuchi Shrine cross the Kozuchi River. The scene is so moving that the audience erupts in cheers. In addition, the festival at the Otsuchi Inari Shrine, where the mikoshi and local folk performing artists are carried on a fishing boat, is a lively and exciting event that fills the town with energy.
FY2021 Japan Cultural Expo Project Presented and Co-presented by Agency for cultural Affairs,Government of Japan,and Japan Arts Council,Sanriku International Arts Committee

Co-organized byHachinohe City, Hashikami Town, Hirono Town, Kuji City, Fudai Village, Tanohata Village, Iwaizumi Town, Miyako City, Yamada Town, Otsuchi Town, Kamaishi City, Ofunato City, Rikuzentakata City, Sumita Town , Sanriku Railway Co., Ltd., Japan Folk Performing Arts Association, NPO Iwate Arts Support Center, NPO Japan Contemporary Dance Network, Culture Vision Japan Foundation Inc.
Cooperation fromNPO Shinsai Regain, imajimu LLC, Tohoku Cultural Property Video Research Institute, Minna no Shirushi LLC, NPO Michinoku Trail Club