【Sanriku Festival】 Noda Village, Koshogatu(first full moon)Event 2025.1.15(Wed.)

  • 2024
  • Appreciation
  • Date


  • Time

    10:00am – 11:30 am (Dontoyaki fire festival, Dangoshiba, Daikokumai etc.)
    5:30 pm– 8:00 pm (Namomi Demon※) ※Reservation required for observation
    Application : call Hozonkai office (Noda Village Hall) TEL: 0194-78-2936

  • Locate

    Dontoyaki:Sonmin hiroba in front of Noda Village Hall
    Namomi:touring all around villagers' houses
    Observers will need to arrange a car by themselves to follow Namomi performers.

  • Fee


Dontoyaki, an event to drive away evil spirits by burning New Year’s decorations, is held to pray for good health and a bountiful harvest.
At the venue, there will be Amazake (sweet sake), dangoshiba making (sticking rolled mochi on tree branches), traditional games, and a performance of Daikoku-mai.
In the evening, adults dressed as Namomi(a visiting god in the form of an demon) visit houses with children to wish for their healthy growth.

Venue|Donton-yaki: Sonmin Hiroba in front of Noda Village Hall
Namomi will tour citizen’s homes in Noda Village. 
   To register for Namomi visiting observation, please contact Namomi Hozonkai office (in Noda Village Hall) TEL: 0194-78-2936


Access model from Tokyo (if you use public transportation, you will need to stay the night before and after the ceremony to watch the event ceremony from 10:00 and ” Namomi” from 17:30)

Day 1, 1/14(Tue.)

(9:08)Departe from Tokyo Station – Hachinohe Station (12:01)Tohoku Shinkansen Hayabusa No.1, bound for Shin-Aomori
(12:24) Hachinohe Station – Kuji Station (14:09)JR Hachinohe Line, bound for Kuji
(14:15) Kuji Station – Rikchu-Noda Station (14:28)Sanriku Railway Rias Line, bound for Miyako
Lodging in Noda Village

Accommodations in Noda Village are here↓

Day 2, 1/15 (Wed.)

(10:00-12:00) Noda Village Koshogatu(first full moon)Events
Ceremony ( Prayer, Tamagushi offering, Dontonyaki firing)
Venue: Sonmin Hiroba in front of Noda Village Hall
Sightseeing in Noda Village
(from 17:00~) Namomi*Pre-registration required
Venue: All around the village
Lodging in Noda Village

Day 3, 1/16 (Thu.)

(12:21)Rikchu-Noda Station – Kuji Station (12:34)Sanriku Railway Kudari, bound for Kuji
(13:35)Kuji Station- Ninohe station(14:45)JR Bus Swallow
(15:19) Ninohe station-Tokyo Station (18:04)Tohoku Shinkansen Hayabusa 32

Kuji ⇔ Ninohe Timetable of JR Bus Swallow ↓

Nearby sightseeing spots Information


Jufugaura is a scenic spot with a gently arcing coastline, and its scenic beauty has been written about in poems by aristocrats in the past. The tourist product center at Roadside Station Noda is named “Paapuru (=purple)” after the reddish-purple stones (azuki sand) that can often be found on this beach.
Visitors can see the beautiful sunrise from the horizon throughout the year, when weather is fine.

LocationSanriku Railway Rias Line, 3 minutes walk from Tofugaura-Kaigan Station
Contact InformationNoda Village Tourism Association
(in Noda Village Commerce and Industry Hall) 117, Dai-19 Jiwari, Oaza Noda, Noda Village, Kunohe-gun, Iwate 028-8201
0194-78-2012 (representative phone of Noda Village Commerce and Industry Association)

Farmer’s Restaurant Kamado no Tsukiya

A diner where local mothers serve mainly local cuisine in an old house. You can enjoy the unique food culture of Noda Village, such as the daily changing “Omakase Gozen,” which is mainly local cuisine, “Keiran (*),” and “Uki Uki Dango” (rolled mochi).
Every morning, Mochi are pounded with a mortar and pestle, and they sell those freshly made mochi and freshly made rice balls at the village’s produce market.
*Keiran is a local dish of Noda Village. Walnuts, brown sugar, and peppers are wrapped in rice flour dumplings, and then boiled, and served in a soup bowl.

LocationAddress/ 22-39-2, Oaza-Noda, Noda-mura, Kunohe-gun, Iwate
Business Hours Business hours: 11:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
regular closing dayEvery Friday
Sundays are opened only by appointment
Summer holidays, August 1st – August 31th
New Year holidays, December 25th – January 5th
Contact InformationTEL 0194-78-2235


Click here for other tourist information → Noda Village Tourist Association



Noda Village Daikokumai Dance Society
Noda Village Namomi Preservation Committee


  • Noda Village Daikokumai Dance Society

    “Daikokumai” is a traditional dance to bring luck in. “It is a traditional dance of “Koshogatu” (first full moon festival) performed in 2022’s “Noda Festival” (the biggest event of Noda Village) and the 5th “Sanriku Coast Local Performing Arts Performance” in 2022 for the first time in three years.

  • Noda Village Namomi Preservation Committee

    “Namomi” was a local festival event in the village committee in the past, but it has been organized by the village preservation committee for over 30 years. Nowadays, it’s a traditional folk dance of “Koshogatu” (first full moon festival) commonly regarded as a kind of education to infant at Noda Village. In 2015, it has been staged at the National Theater.


Iwate Arts Support Center

2024 Japan Expo 2.0 Project (Commissioned) Sanriku International Geinoh Festival2024 Visit Organizer| Sanriku International Art Promotion Committee Japan Arts Council Agency Co-sponsor|Hachinohe City, Hashikami town, Hirono town, Kuji City, Noda Village, Fudai Village, Tanohata village, Iwaizumi town, Miyako City, Yamada Town, OstuchiTown, Kamaishi City, Ofunato city, Rikuzen Takada City, Sumida Town, Sanriku Railway Company, All Japan local GeinohAssociation, Nonprofit Certified Nonprofit Organization Michinoku Trail Club, imajimu LLC, Tohoku Institute of Cultural Properties Image Research, Minna no Shirushi LLC, Kamaishi Civic Hall TETTO
