組舞 畑中くんと小西君
なんだ?ここは一体なんなんだ??フラッシュモブか何かかと、本当に思ったけれど、これが鮫のこの店では当たり前のようだ。さっきまでカウンターに座っていたおばさんが、なんとも軽快な足取りで社交ダンス・・・。昔の八戸では、社交ダンスはできて当たり前、男女の出会いの場でもあったそうだ。そして、海や漁業との結びつきが強い生活風土を持つこの鮫の人々は、とても大らかで明るい。というよりも、彼らの身体の中には踊りや歌のリズムというものが埋め込まれていて、それを演ずるとき、とてつもない喜びがあふれ出ているように見えた。それは、樋口さんたちが鮫神楽に向かっているときの、なんともいえない楽しそうな表情と重なるものがある。 鮫神楽の3つ目の強烈な印象は、酒、そして社交ダンスであった。
I love Same Kagura not only because of the performance but also because of the communication with alcohol. They love to drink, and talk a lot with alcohol. I can hear the history or the episode of Same Kagura, the difficulty of teaching kids and so on. Also they love to dance. It looks the rhythm of dancing and singing is deeply engraved on their body. They’re filled with joy while dancing. My third impression of Same Kagura is the communication with alcohol and dance.
Haka-Shishi is a major program of Same Kagura. Haka-Shishi is the program in which they perform the Lion Dance (Shishi) at graves, expressing their condolences for the deceased. The mixture of Shintoism and Buddhism is typical of Same Kagura. At Fuboku Shrine in the Same Area, in two days of mid summer they perform a prayer for the ancestors of the people in Same Area. This program is not a show that the crowd can see. The performance in which the Lion cries before the grave is very nostalgic and beautiful. And the sound of snapping its teeth together is so sharp that the souls may revive again.
They have over 30 performances that are inherited. Can you imagine the beauty of the performances rooted deeply in people’s lives or the power of that inheritance?
Please come to Tohoku and witness the beautiful performances.
The Area Same is the second largest area of elderly people in Hachinohe. (Hachinohe is a city located in Aomori Prefecture and the second biggest city of Aomori Prefecture.)
I heard that the lack of successors because of a declining birthrate and aging population is the big problem of Same Kagura. A Lack of successors is a common problem of local performing arts. I doubted that there were many elderly members and few child members. I was filled with anxiety and tension until I arrived at the community center.
But child members gathered one after another with elderly members!! The place was filled with kids’ bright voice! My first impression was the existence of the kids contrary to my expectations.
Same Kagura is consisted of two groups, one is called “Same Kagura Renchu(鮫神楽連中)”, a group made of veteran members, and the other is called “Same Kagura Hozonkai”, which is the Same Kagura Preservation Association. The members of Same Kagura Hozonkai don’t stand on the stage but instead support and protect Same Kagura.
The strong relationship of trust between them has kept this local performing arts for a long time.
In addition to it, they do all kinds of things to keep what they have.
For example, they practice dances and songs that the members have not performed for a long time, they teach kids who have never performed before, and they involve kids’ parents so that kids will not give up because of their family situations. Members spend enormous energy to keep their performance of Same Kagura going.
My second impression of Same Kagura is the existence of young bearers.
For the efforts of the members, the kids improve day by day. But they give up after entering junior high school, high school or college. Because they are busy with study, clubs or part-time jobs.
But some love Same Kagura and become members of Kagura. One of them is Hatanaka, who entered a college in Hachinohe and continues Kagura. And his friend, Konishi is an important member. He loves Kagura as Hanatanaka does; however, he entered a college in another area. These two are the core members of the next generation and inherit the history of Kagura.