Bajau people — sometimes referred to as “sea nomads” — reside widely in coastal area of southern Philippines, north-eastern part of Borneo island, Malaysia, and north-western part of Sulawesi island, Indonesia. Traditionally they have seaborne lifestyle, living in houseboats, rather than residency on land. Now most part of them have shifted to stilt houses built in the sea or on the shore, but their culture still retains specific characteristics originated from traditional lifestyle lived with the ocean. The 2017 edition of Sanriku International Arts Festival invited a group from Semporna, Sabah, Malaysia for programs in Ofunato-city, Iwate.
Mesmerizingly fast beat of gamelan music and contrasting slow, soft movement of dancing body creates a specific contrast. Especially the repetitive minimal sound of gong is hypnotizing. Female dancers scarcely lift their feet from floor, even when traveling, which might be traces of their traditional body culture developed in the boats. Metal long nail attached to dancer’s hands reminds us of Thai dance, S-bent torso of Indian, and Spanish snare drum accompaniment gives it a sense of unique hybridity of cultures.
Since their dance and music is a form of participatory culture, rather than presentational, we programmed relatively brief demonstrations by Bajau dancers followed by informal workshops to invite the audience members to join the dancing. In sessions called “Dancing Bajau,” they followed primary guidance of characteristic movement of palm and arm, or shuffling, before dancing to the music. The participatory session was a new element within the frame of Sanriku International Arts Festival which has mainly featured presentational performances on stage.
Motion of palm is achieved by pushing base of five fingers strongly and repetitively, and arms are stretched backward to build shape of bird wings. Dancing Bajau is far more physically demanding than it looks. Despite that, it is essentially open improvisation to be shared by anyone who has appetite, in which degree of skill doesn’t really matter as every “folk” dancing is. Those trained and untrained, and even the dancers from Indramayu, shared the amusing moment with Bajau people.
After farewell speeches at the closing party in Ofunato, Bajau dance and music troupe danced together with those from Indramayu to Bajau music played with Indramayu instruments. Rare collaboration celebrated their encounter in Sanriku. They are living remote to each other, but instruments are not too different. It showed how Asia embraces difference and connectedness.
Today, “International Arts Festival” is held in cities all over the world to showcase artist’s works from different parts of the world. Sanriku International Arts Festival, however, putting special focus on folk performing arts which is based in people’s daily life unlike Art essentially contextualized in cosmopolitanism. Compared to global circuit of Artworks created by Artist and appreciated as Works, folk performing arts surprise us by the fact that we are still largely unfamiliar with other countries and regions. International arts festival of folk performing arts could be compared to a party in which everyone enjoys communication in her/his dialects, neither in English as lingua franca nor in nationally standardized languages, to appreciate a specific sense of the globe beyond filtering by information technology and stereotyping and to experience cultural diversity. In Sanriku International Arts Festival, we will continue the search for alternative worldview by connecting different parts of Asia by way of folk performing arts, focusing on the lively relationship between people’s life and performing arts.