『報告会&公開ミーティング』 @仙台メディアテーク 18:30-21:00

“Report Session and Public Meeting” at the Sendai Mediatheque 6:30- 9:00pm


The contents of the meeting will be reported in a different place, but I think that having a chance for these people to gather and talk together was a big thing for the future. It was a very great time.


The participants were panelists Mr. Furumizu from Okirai, Ofunato, Cecilia from England, Manishia from Fukuoka, Kyoko Yokoyama (who came only today), and Kirakukai’s Michiari Saito from Kesennuma; Sho Ikushima from Tokyo, Nina Maeda, Mr. Koiwa from National Local Folk Performing Arts Association (which gave the impetus for all of this project), and Mr. Yamada from Aibo; 10BOX’s Mr. Hachimaki, Ms. Chibarika, Miya, Ms. Shoko Senda, and Yuta from Sendai; Kahoku News’s Ms. Yono, the producer of “We’re Gonna Go Learn in Tohoku” round one’s Bon Odori; and JCDN’s Mr. Kitamoto and I. Then, there was Mr. Maegawa from Ofunato’s “Minna no Shirushi,” our partner.


This project will value the encounters among these people in order to connect to the future, and I sincerely think that I would like to continue doing specific ventures aimed towards the future.