『浦浜獅子躍りを習う』 @大船渡市越喜来・古水さん宅庭 10/23,24 11:00-15:00 ★
“Learning the Urahama Shishi Odori” In Mr. Furumizu’s Garden in Okirai, Ofunato City
October 23, 24 11:00 am- 3:00 pm ★
We learned Kenbai (Sword Dance) and Kanazu style Urahama Shishi Odori from chairman Chikara Furumizu in Okirai, Ofunato city. The members learning this dance were 5 women- Cecilia, Manishia, Nina Maeda (a ballet dancer from Tokyo), Taiko drummer Miho Uesugi, and JCDN’s Kitamoto. His son Shu and Hiroshi, from the funeral home, were there as supporting roles. The order will be opposite than how they were done, but please let me begin with “Learning the Shishi Odori” which we did today. Usually it takes more than one year until you can put on the headpiece, but they made an exception and let us try on the headpieces at the end.