Meeting with “Daikonkon Project” at Hiraizumi and Ichinoseki
We went to do a workshop with Shoko (from the “Daikonkon Project”) at a nursery school.
まずは、正子さんのおうちのお菓子屋さん「菓子工房 吉野家」にお邪魔し、一服。美味しい辨慶力餅(胡桃もち)をいただく。店内でお茶もできる、とっても素敵なお店です。
First, we visited Shoko’s family’s candy shop “Candy Laboratory Yoshinoya” and took a break. We had some delicious Benkei Chikara Mochi (walnut- flavored pounded rice). It is a really fantastic store, where you can have tea and sweets inside the shop.
Afterwards, we saw Motsu temple and enjoyed a Mochi (pounded rice cake) feast for lunch… Around here the Mochi culture is amazing, and Mochi can be the full course (with red bean paste, green soybeans, walnuts, “natto”- fermented soybeans, with vegetables, etc) and it seems like they even have it at weddings and funerals.
We were welcomed at the nursery school by the ridiculous “Kendama Genghis Khan” (where the children earnestly do the Kendama trick while the Genghis Khan song is playing), and after that was a big hit, Manishia held a workshop. The excited shouts of children reverberated in the room, and the windows fogged up from the heated enthusiasm.
One hour had passed before we knew it, and we said goodbye to the children.
We had a foot-bath at Shoko’s house, relaxed, and went back to Ofunato.
While talking with Shoko about a lot of things- about aid projects, nuclear power, folk performing arts, Tohoku’s rich nature and living, and the body- we promised to meet again in Kesennuma and made our temporary farewells.
JCDN Kitamoto