Cecilia went from her home in Oxford to Heathrow airport, flew to Narita, and got on the Tohoku bullet train in Tokyo. Meanwhile, Manishia and I went from Fukuoka airport to Sendai airport, then to Sendai station, and got on the same bullet train as Cecilia in Sendai, meeting up inside the train. We arrived at Ichinoseki station at 3:14 pm.
At Ichinoseki station, Shoko and Suzuki came to see us- they are with the “Daikonkon Project,” which has continued projects for disaster relief since after the earthquake. These are two people that I met last year and whom I would always like to be able to work together with. After that Manishia and I visited some places together, like provisional housing, and completely had a mutual understanding.
Before heading to Ofunato, we visited a candy shop that Shoko’s family runs in Hiraizumi. Being able to see Shoko at the very beginning of this project was auspicious. A shot of the 3 of them- Shoko, Cecilia, and Manishia- was something that definitely had to be commemorated.
We arrived in Ofunato at 7:30 pm and were introduced to “Minna no Shirushi”’s Mr. Maegawa and Mr. Ogawa, who would take care of us for the following month. Cecilia had almost not slept for 30 hours, so we had a quick meeting, ate ramen nearby, and the two of them went to the hotel. I went back to the “Minna no Shirushi” office and made the website with Mr. Maegawa until 3 am. We can finally make it open to the public.