Otsuchi Toramai Kyogikai おおつちとらまいきょうぎかい
The troupe was formed as toramai section in the association of the preservation societies of the folk performing arts in Otsuchi town in 1990. Comprised of four toramai groups in the town; Ando, Mukaigawara, Rikuchubenten and Otsuchi-Shiroyama, the troupe aims at cultivation of friendship between the groups, mutual empowerment and social contribution.
The great earthquake of March 2011 damaged all the four groups. Overcoming the loss of the fellow members, the costumes and other equipment, they reunited for the revival and transmission. They have been actively performing the dance nationwide since then, to show their gratitude for help and support they received. In their repertory are Yaguruma, Hanetora, Sasabami, Jinkuodori, and Teodori among others.